The WA Liberal Party will maintain a contract with digital agency Ammo Marketing, despite calls from parliamentary leader Libby Mettam to reassess the arrangement.
An emotional Bill Johnston has used his valedictory speech to parliament to thank the state’s business leaders for their support over his career, while calling out the state of modern politics
The federal government's Future Made in Australia plan will exclude fossil fuel funding, under a deal struck with the Greens to pass 29 pieces of legislation on the last day of sitting.
A troubled housing project based out of the state government's investment in private developer Goldmaster has come to an end with the winding up of the company and return of assets.
A marketing firm run by the manager of both of Basil Zempilas’ City of Perth mayoral campaigns was commissioned by an unknown party to organise a survey into the WA Liberal leadership.
Industry groups have sounded the alarm over a possible deal between the Greens and federal Labor, which could lead to the introduction of a national Environmental Protection Agency.
ANALYSIS: A bogus poll shouldn't cause the kind of turmoil in WA politics today. But it did, and it has once again raised questions about the Liberal Party's fitness to hold office.
Libby Mettam has stared down a faceless push to have her step down as Liberal Party of WA leader, with no-one in the party standing up to challenge her grasp on the job.
WA Liberal leader Libby Mettam has declared herself a fighter, while lashing operatives in the party’s shadows accused of pushing for Basil Zempilas to replace her.
A bid by federal Coalition senators to overturn Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek’s decision to block the development of Regis Resources' McPhillamys gold has fallen flat.
The state’s powerful mining lobby is the latest to throw its support behind an ongoing push for payroll tax reform in WA, ahead of the 2025 state election.
Key industrial players along the state’s western trade coast south of Perth remain concerned at a lack of government planning, as they gear up to spend billions in the region.
A parliamentary committee has recommended a term limit and better oversight of the ombudsman role after a corruption investigation into one of WA's longest serving public officers.
The average cost of environmental compliance audits by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation was more than double the state’s target last financial year.
The WA government is yet to sign land deals for two industrial hubs nearly two years after it offered the sites to green energy and manufacturing proponents.
The boss of a company mired in years of approvals delays for a project in Perth’s north-east says the state should look to global examples for ideas to improve efficiency.
Australia has recorded another month of solid employment growth, reinforcing the expectation of no interest rate cuts until mid 2025, though WA has bucked the positive jobs trend.
Long-serving state government under-treasurer Michael Barnes will take up a key role in the battle to retain WA’s share of GST distribution, ahead of a review to be handed down in 2026.
A $10,000 incentive to attract eastern states construction workers to Western Australia has been described as a shot in the arm for the industry amid the state’s crippling housing crisis.
A $900 million fund has been welcomed by economists hopeful it will modernise the construction industry where productivity has been flat for three decades.
Opposition leader Peter Dutton has hinted he could scrap plans to reverse changes to stage 3 tax cuts for high income earners, saying it would “depend on the numbers” come election time.
Australians working in healthcare and retail trade led the way in wage growth for the September quarter, with figures revealing the lowest annual rise in almost two years.