An independent monitor has been appointed to oversee the operation of the Perth casino as the Crown Group works to establish its suitability to hold a casino licence.
The state government is remaining tight-lipped amid speculation newly-established wagering group Betr is leading the bid to takeover its $1 billion betting agency.
Global economies should not give up on corporate tax despite the challenges of collecting taxes from large multinationals skilled at exploiting tax havens.
The millionaires' row residents on Jutland Parade are up in arms over an unsightly front verge, which has been described by one neighbour as a "monstrosity".
South Perth’s council continues to be split on its approach to developing an $80 million swimming pool facility, voting last night to increase pressure on the state government for funding.
Premier Mark McGowan has a simple message for anyone complaining about new criminal and antisocial behaviour exclusion zones from Mandurah to Hillarys.
Legislation designed to simplify the mining approvals process in Western Australia amid record exploration spending and labour shortages has passed in the upper house overnight.
About half of the state’s local governments will either lose councillors, move to direct mayoral elections or abolish wards as a result of sweeping overhauls to the sector.
One of the state's leading commercial litigators, Michael Lundberg, has been appointed as the first Aboriginal judge on the Supreme Court of Western Australia.
Corporate accounting and legal giants Grant Thornton and MinterEllison have been named in a CCC report into further Department of Communities misconduct.
Kate Chaney has conditionally backed the ongoing use of gas in the path to net zero while panning the business case for Woodside's Scarborough project as overly optimistic.
Philip Lowe has denied saying interest rates wouldn't be lifted until 2024 as an independent review into the reserve bank is set to examine the effectiveness of its communication.
Former premier Colin Barnett believes it's time to bite the bullet and demolish the South Fremantle Power Station in the wake of another failed bid to redevelop the 1951 building.
The City of Nedlands is pursuing greater protection for its land after being overruled by the state government on the proposed children's hospice and Tawarri Hot Springs.
Mark McGowan has backed the board of the Perth Mint amid reports its owner was operating without the necessary registration, putting the matter down to an “administrative failing”.