POLISHING his crystal ball Briefcase believes that, after such a strong bear market rally on the local and global stock markets, some pullback is likely.
The Western Australian Trade Opportunities Service is operated by the International Trade Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia.
TWO of the state's internet service providers have differing views of the federal government's $43 billion national broadband network (NBN) plan and what it means for their business.
THE state government is progressing with its plan to relocate social housing stock from high-end Perth suburbs into lower-cost suburbs In October, Treasurer Troy Buswell announced a review into Homeswest housing in wealthier suburbs, ordering the Departme
WESTERN Australia hopes to snare a larger portion of funding in round two of the federal government's National Rental Affordability Scheme after receiving 401 homes in round one, which was announced in March.
FOLLOWING Federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson's endorsement of Australian uranium export trade with China, the Chamber of Minerals and Energy believes working with communities on providing soft infrastructure will be the key challenge facing the st
QUESTIONS are being raised within the housing industry about the federal government's ability to meet its commitment to supply 3,000 new social housing dwellings in Western Australia through its housing stimulus package.
Premier Colin Barnett announced late today that the government had reached a "broad agreement" with the Kimberley Land Council and Woodside over the establishment of an LNG precinct north of Broome.
The Kimberley Land Council is believed to have negotiated an agreement with the state government and Woodside Petroleum that would deliver more than $1 billion over 30 years from the development of a liquefied natural gas hub near Broome.
Western Australian home buyers are opting for basic variable rate loans in record numbers, signalling their preference for lower interest rates over the frills offered with standard variable rate loans, a survey has found.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA has dramatically revised down its forecasts for the state on the back of the global financial crisis, tipping the economy to contract by one per cent in the 2010 financial year.
Three ABC Learning Centres in Western Australia are expected to close while the future of two more are in doubt after receivers PPB failed to find suitable operators.
The state opposition is calling on the government to cut the number of committees after claiming a review or taskforce is being established every five days since the September 2008 election.
An estimated $2 billion will be invested by the private sector into the Northbridge Link as the state Planning Minister John Day marks the start of the final planning stage for the 13.5 hectare site.
Opposition leader Eric Ripper has accused the government of breaking an election promise after claiming a feasibility study into the Ellenbrook rail line had been cancelled.
The state government has appointed former Court Government Minister Monty House as the new chair of the LandCorp board and also appointed five other new members.
More Western Australians joined the search for work in March as the state's unemployment rate jumped to a seasonally adjusted 4.9 per cent, figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show.
KPMG axes Perth jobs as audit work slows; Banks won’t budge on rate cut; Packer sends adviser packing; Consumers seeing the bright side; Telstra in talks over role it will play in NBN plan
THE Australian Tax Office has fired a warning shot at Australia's wine industry, cautioning growers, producers, wholesalers and retailers to act legitimately in light of the examination of two specific tax arrangements.
The Western Australian Trade Opportunities Service is operated by the International Trade Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia.
MORE than 300 new accommodation rooms will have opened in Broome in time for the start of this year's peak season, with a number of new developments coming online over the next three months.