Treasury has referred recent revelations of a tax leaks scandal currently plaguing PwC Australia to the Australian Federal Police to consider a criminal investigation.
Western Australian deputy premier Roger Cook labelled WA ‘missing’ from east coast investment conversations while launching an updated public sector intellectual property policy in Perth today.
The treasurer says the Albanese government has overseen the strong jobs growth during its first year but the opposition says it has failed to tame inflation.
Experienced industry liaison Reg Howard-Smith has been appointed as the inaugural chair of the state government’s Resources Community Investment Initiative Advisory Committee.
Federal treasurer Jim Chalmers has called for the state's resources bosses to push the coalition to support LNG taxation changes, while reiterating WA's contributions to the federal economy.
A battery materials company chaired by former Liberal Party leader Mike Nahan is among a cohort of Western Australian companies to secure a share of federal government grants.
The Economic Regulation Authority has knocked back a proposal by Western Power to jack up street light costs that would likely have been passed on to residents.
Bullsbrook residents who fought to prove their properties had lost value due to alleged contamination from a nearby military base are among a cohort due to receive a share of a multi-million-dollar payout.
A $150 million upgrade to the heritage-listed venue due in 2024 will involve rectifying a 'number of structural issues' with the car park underneath the venue to open once additional supports have been installed.
Premier Mark McGowan has labelled Western Australia and the east coast as “almost a tale of two countries” while reinforcing the strength of the state’s relationship with China.
Broader praise for Western Australia's ‘ironclad budget’ has been accompanied by industry calls to build the state's investment appeal and diversify the economy.
A $715 million state budget package to ease financial pressures from households will include $450 million worth in energy bill relief from the WA government.
ANALYSIS: The state budget has been designed so Mark McGowan can announce unexpectedly good outcomes in future but also sets the scene for a bitter GST battle with other states.
Payroll tax changes will save Western Australia’s largest employers around $230 million next financial year, according to state government budget papers.
A move to extend the price cap for apartments eligible for stamp duty rebate is expected to cost the state government $33 million, as part of a $750 million package to boost housing.
The McGowan government’s seventh annual budget features a $3.3 billion surplus, with households and businesses to benefit from $566 million in energy bill credits and modest payroll tax relief.
The rent assistance limit has been increased to help more than one million Australian households, which is expected to cost the federal government $2.7 billion over five years.
Western Australia's auditor general has highlighted concerns over the state government's $580 million spending during the pandemic, with millions of rapid antigen tests remaining unused.
The state government will invest $511 million to tackle the housing crisis as part of the upcoming Western Australian budget, including building 700 new homes.
Graham Hill will join the State Solicitor's Office next month after being Legal Aid Western Australia chief executive and director for the past five years.
The state government has announced a $420 million budget commitment to boost mental health initiatives, including an upgrade of Graylands Hospital in Mount Claremont.