The Reserve Bank of Australia is confident business investment will increase in the coming months, but is still not offering any hints on the timing of its next interest rate move.
An affordable housing development in Fremantle is no longer certain to proceed due to the federal government’s scrapping of the National Rental Affordability Scheme.
The federal government has raised the National Terrorism Public Alert level from medium to high based on advice from security and intelligence agencies, but says it was not based on knowledge of a specific attack plan.
The Western Australian premier has turned his attention to "rogue" sharks that linger around an area for a long time after admitting last summer's baited drumline program wasn't targeted enough.
The federal government has had to accept some significant amendments to its bill to repeal the mining tax, including a review into the creation of an ‘Australia Fund’ and changes to superannuation increases legislated by the previous government.
Plans to extend Western Australia's controversial shark cull policy by three years have suffered a blow after the Environmental Protection Authority rejected the trial.
The state opposition has pounced on apparent cracks in the alliance between the Liberals and Nationals after junior coalition party members crossed the floor on the issue of forced council mergers.
FEATURE: If the adage ‘three strikes and you’re out’ applied to the gold mining industry, the curtains would already have been drawn; but some determined locals are fighting on.
Leading mining lawyer Michael Blakiston has criticised Premier Colin Barnett's comments urging African mining leaders not to be intimidated by global mining companies and to ensure their citizens received a fair return for their resource exploitation.
Australia's trade deficit is narrowing thanks to a growing volume of iron ore exports, but is likely to stay in the red as the price of the country's biggest export falls.
Consumer confidence among Western Australian shoppers has only marginally improved in the last quarter, a Curtin Business School Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA survey of consumer confidence says.
The Western Australian government is aiming for a quick sale of assets as it struggles to rein in debt, with the premier tipping the Perth Market Authority will be first to go.
Former Western Australian treasurer Troy Buswell has quit politics, citing his ongoing struggle with bipolar disorder and depression as the main reason for his resignation.
Australia has notched up a record-breaking 23 years of expansion, but the economy remains fragile as it searches for another source of growth to pick up where the mining boom left off.
Roger Hussey has been appointed as inaugural chair of the board for the soon-to-be established Southern Ports Authority, along with Neema Premji who will serve as deputy chair.