Western Australia’s largest wine producer has increased its dominance of the sector in a year when many producers were affected by extreme weather events.
The state government has selected a newly formed company owned by drink manufacturers Coca-Cola Amatil and Lion to run the state’s container deposit scheme.
Liquidators have been appointed to Mad Dogs Jungle Bar five months after the Milligan Street venue shut its doors following a dispute with the landlord, but it is anticipated the decision may be reversed.
ASX listed investment firm Keybridge Capital has cancelled its proposed $20 million takeover of Yowie, citing the Perth-based confectionery company’s worsening financial results.
Supermarket giant Woolworths has lifted third-quarter grocery sales by 4.2 per cent, reaping the benefits of lower deflation and more favourable weather conditions.
Perth's grocery wars, amplified by giant Aldi’s market push and price cuts by Coles and Woolworths, have claimed five struggling smaller supermarkets over the past five months.
Crown Resorts shares have soared after the casino operator confirmed talks with Wynn Resorts over a $10 billion cash-and-scrip takeover proposal by the Las Vegas gambling giant.
The process for obtaining liquor licences in Perth has become less clear after the Commissioner of Police successfully challenged approvals for a new Dan Murphy’s store in Rockingham.
Publicans and restaurateurs have spent more than $5 million on a string of refurbishments and new developments in the flourishing precinct around Scarborough.
Perth-based Gage Roads Brewing Company is setting up shop in Sydney after securing a site for its first microbrewery and taproom in the inner-city suburb of Redfern.
Mrs Mac’s is planning to cut staff numbers at its Morley packing facility as the pastry maker moves towards full automation of its manufacturing processes.
Fremantle’s idle synagogue will be transformed into a restaurant and hospitality venue after Fremantle Council’s planning committee approved the proposal last night, the latest of a string of approved plans to repurpose heritage buildings in the area.
Coles is offloading management of its 87 pubs, including four in Western Australia, in a $200 million deal with private equity controlled Australian Venue Co.
Fisheries Minister Dave Kelly has signalled he may well walk back plans to take control of about 17 per cent of an enlarged local lobster catch, saying his priorities would be an International Lobster Festival in Perth and a domestic quota.
Scarborough Beach Bar has been thrown a lifeline, with insolvency specialist WA Insolvency Solutions selling the company to hospitality operator the ARK Group, which currently operates venues including The Generous Squire and Market Grounds.
Northbridge venue Picabar may have been granted a reprieve, after intervention by Culture and Arts Minister David Templeman that will grant Picabar first preference in lease negotiations.
ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: From sleepy country town to international tourism destination, wine has been vital to Margaret River’s growth, but there’s much more to it. This article is part of a special series to mark Business News' 25-year anniversary.
Never settling for second best, a hardworking couple has spent the past 15 years transforming Margaret River’s local pub, Settlers Tavern, into a venue of national note.