Resources slump leads market carnage; Palmer planning $5b float; Eastwood set to call time after 45 years; US regulators clear BHP Rio bid, now for Europe; CBH looks to double share of exports
Former technology company Wavenet International Ltd has joined the rush by local investors seeking to exploit booming coal prices, agreeing to purchase a stake in four coal tenements in Queensland.
Two days after stopping the pseudo privatisation of the state's $9 billion superannuation fund, treasurer Eric Ripper and his government have yet to reveal significant detail on why they acted at the last minute.
A corporate watchdog has banned Byford resident David Roy from providing financial services for seven years, after he provided inappropriate advice to clients over the failed Westpoint group.
Explorer TNG Ltd can close its chapter on the Opes Prime saga after receivers of the collapsed stockbroker finalised the sale of nearly 17 million shares.
Gold miner Norton Gold Fields Ltd will drop its litigation claims against Alinta for lost production arising from the gas crisis, as power prices agreed to by both companies return to normal levels.
After six years at the helm, Wesfarmers Ltd chairman Trevor Eastwood will retire from the position at the company's annual general meeting in November.
Carbon scheme 'may kill' exporters; Receivers go into Elderslie; Spending hit exposes Lew's target; St George Westpac merger uncertain; RCR chief resigns as woes take toll
THE state government has almost doubled funding to City West-based interactive science museum, Scitech, in a bid to overcome the dearth of scientists, technology experts and engineers in Australia.
The failure of Pankaj Oswal's Burrup Holdings Ltd to appear on the stock market failed to put a dampener on Western Australian companies' enthusiasm for going public, largely defying a falling share market thanks to the resource boom.
Specialist taxation and business advisory firm, Cooper Partners, has expanded its self-managed superannuation fund expertise with the appointment of a new principal.
When asked what he considered was the anniversary date of last year's Coles Group Ltd takeover, Wesfarmers Ltd managing director Richard Goyder nominates July 21 as the most appropriate.
WEST Perth-based minerals company, Murchison United NL, is set to be repositioned as a global uranium company after unveiling a strategic alliance with industrial and nuclear energy giant Areva NC.
The takeovers scene in Western Australia has changed significantly during the past year, with the ongoing boom boosting the stocks of local players and prompting an increasing presence from international investment banks.
Sanderson takes on agent general role OUTGOING Fremantle Ports chief executive Kerry Sanderson (pictured) has been appointed as the new Western Australian representative in Europe.
Plans to turn over ownership of the state's $9 billion superannuation manager GESB to 295,000 members have been thrown into disarray, with the body and the government apparently unable to conclude a deal at the 11th hour.
ARC Energy's erstwhile substantial shareholder and its corporate thorn in the side, Mineralogy, finally announced a notice of ceasing to be a substantial shareholder in Arc on June 11, fully six months after it began to sell its holding last December.
West Perth-based Giralia Resources NL will soon have a healthy bank balance of $77 million after it finalised the sale of its remaining interest in fellow Perth company Red Hill Iron Ltd.
The legal stoush between Subiaco-based explorer TNG Ltd and the Commonwealth government has been adjourned until August as the company's share price jumps 68 per cent on the discovery of high-grade iron in the Northern Territory.
West Perth-based Alchemy Resources Ltd has expanded its footprint in the gold sector following a move to acquire the Western Australian division of Polymetals Group Pty Ltd which holds gold projects near Kalgoorlie.
Subiaco-based Balkans Gold Ltd will undergo a name change as it expands its geographical reach to Africa following an agreement to acquire West African Resources Ltd for $1.5 million.
Another financial year is over and some investors may be licking the wounds from one of the worst trading years since 1987, but the Agri sector has proved to be a boon for some shareholders.
Sydney-based resource investment firm RIMCapital Ltd has backed Yilgarn Infrastructure Ltd's proposal to develop the Oakajee port, by subscribing for $2 million worth of shares.
Euroz Ltd has reported a jump of 91 per cent in its unaudited net profit after tax for the 2008 financial year but, as it usually does, has cautioned the market that continued profitability will be dependent on the market.
East Perth-based explorer Aragon Resources Ltd has entered into the phosphate game, acquiring Territory Phosphate Pty Ltd for an initial figure of $2.7 million in scrip.
Plans to turn over ownership of the state's $9 billion superannuation manager GESB to 295,000 members have been thrown into disarray, with the body and the government apparently unable to conclude a deal at the 11th hour.
BC Iron Ltd will move to feasibility study stage over its Nullagine iron ore project in the Pilbara, following a scoping study that estimated a capital cost of $85 million.