Reducing the environmental footprint of Perth’s new and existing office stock has become a major commitment for landlords, developers, architects and tenants alike; and now interior designers are finding themselves part of the equation.
PALADIN Energy Ltd plans to dual list on the Namibian Stock Exchange on February 14, joining fellow Western Australian uranium player Deep Yellow, which listed earlier this year.
AS companies scramble to pre-commit to newly constructed office space coming online in the next few years, the reality of the commercial office market is forcing many to take a somewhat piecemeal appr
The state government has announced the formation of a new Independent Expert Advisory Group to oversee the first round of funding from the $36.5 million Low Emissions Energy Development Fund.
Coventry eyes failed rival; Woodside eyes two Pluto pipes; Good or bad, investors get ugly; Miner's Shougang showdown tipped tomorrow;'Very good thing' Mirvac tarred with sub-prime brush
Babcock & Brown Power says it expects to commence construction of a 330MW power station at Neerabup immediately, after completing financial arrangements for the $425 million project.
Paladin Energy Ltd plans to dual list on the Namibian Stock Exchange on February 14, joining fellow Western Australian uranium player Deep Yellow to make the move this year.
West Perth-based renewable energy company, Torrens Energy Ltd, has been awarded a $100,000 contract for seismic work under the South Australian government's Plan for Accelerating Exploration Scheme.
Premier Alan Carpenter has announced that the state government will build a new $1.1 billion multi-purpose outdoor stadium at Kitchener Park in Subiaco by 2016.
Aviva Corporation Ltd shares closed up 11 cents, or 15 per cent higher, to 81 cents today after the company announced an initial resource estimate of 1.28 billion tonnes of coal at its Mmamantswe Coal Project in Botswana.
Former satelite communications provider Comdek Ltd is expanding its coal interests into Tasmania with the acquisition of Energy Investments Ltd for $4.27 million.
A board restructure by Como-based Nido Petroleum Ltd has seen managing director David Whitby promoted to the position of company chairman, replacing Gregor Dixon.
The state government has announced plans to amend the Stamp Act, with immediate effect, after Origin Energy successfully challenged a $3 million stamp duty assessment.
Minter Ellison Perth has appointed Maria Guarnieri (top left) as an associate for construction, engineering and infra-structure, Guillaume Blanc as a consultant for energy and resources, Katrina Al
Given the strength of energy markets generally – with the price of crude oil almost doubling in the past 12 months and quadrupling over the past four years – it is remarkable and somewhat counterintuitive to note how poorly many oil and gas producers have
The dramatic rise in the number of listed companies based in Western Australia is having a marked impact on the audit sector, putting huge stress on the professionals involved and influencing the shape of the industry.
West Perth-based renewable energy company, Torrens Energy Ltd, has been buoyed by the latest hot rock drilling results at its geothermal project in South Australia, posting what it calls outstanding preliminary temperature results.
Wester Power has approved an access application by Eneabba Gas Ltd subsidiary, Eneabba Energy Pty Ltd, to connect to some 170 MW of power from the SWIS network for its Centauri 1 power station site near Dongara.
Angry Mt Gibson moves to block China takeover; RBA warns economy must slow; D-day for BHP: bid or walk away; Perilya takes stock as zinc prices head south; LCD innovator lines up Binningup power bid
Chinalco: one bite's enough; Surging inflation set to push up rates; Fortescue share surge on talk of stake sale; Mitsubishi weighs up plant closure; Tricom eyes closure of troubled $900m margoin loan book
Engineering and construction company Clough Ltd has been awarded a $25 million contract by Apache Energy for the Mars Phase 2A Project located on Varanus Island.
More Western Australians are switching to electricity generated from renewable sources, with new figures from retailer Synergy showing the number of GreenPower customers more than doubled in 2007.
Macmahon Holdings Ltd has been awarded a long term mining contract for Jubilee Mines' new Sinclair Nickel Project, as well as an extension to its existing Olympic Dam underground development contract for BHP Billiton, worth a combined $200 million.
BHP Billiton’s informal takeover offer for mining rival Rio Tinto may be the biggest takeover deal on the cards, but locally there is plenty of action among small and mid-cap mining companies.