Bunnings warehouses landlord BWP Trust has flagged a merger with Newmark Property in a $250 million deal set to create an 84-asset portfolio worth $3.5 billion.
German luxury automotive manufacturer Mercedes-Benz has inked a $30 million deal with Perth company NeoMetals to buy a battery materials refinery asset.
Ian Trahar has moved to take full ownership of environmental services company CO2 Australia, which was demerged from Seafarms Group more than five years ago.
BCI Minerals has secured a syndicated facility agreement for its Mardie salt project near Karratha, with nearly $1 billion locked in for the under-construction asset.
ASX-listed Monash IVF Group is set to acquire a majority interest in reproductive care clinic Fertility North under a $12 million deal, growing its foothold in the Perth market.
Global lithium major SQM has moved on more lithium assets in Western Australia after striking a $10 million deal to acquire a stake in Novo Resources’ Pilbara tenements.
Gina Rinehart’s S.Kidman & Co has bought Rossi Boots in its second splash into the Australian fashion market just weeks after picking up iconic brand Driza-Bone.
Genesis Minerals has paid $53 million for two gold projects under a deal with Kin Mining, adding to the mid-tier goldminer’s consolidation of assets in Leonora.
Listed seniors accommodation provider Eureka Group has cemented a $44 million acquisition for a portfolio of six rental villages across Western Australia.
The buyer circling Tietto Minerals has slammed its takeover target for downgrading its production guidance and not providing further cost details for its flagship project in West Africa.
A West Perth building that formerly housed Thompsons fashion retailer has been sold for $2.3 million, changing ownership for the first time in almost a century.
Kathleen Valley developer Liontown Resources has locked in a long-term port services and access agreement with the Mid West Ports Authority for its lithium project
Chris Ellison-chaired Delta Lithium has struck a deal to buy lithium rights in the Gascoyne, while Mineral Resources has contracted Develop Global for work in the Goldfields.
Perth-based brand Bunsters has raised $650,000 through crowdfunding, falling well short of its maximum target just a month after its first shipment to Woolworths.
A cattle station in the Kimberley has been acquired by a Canadian buyer under a deal with Chinese property mogul Hui Wing Mau believed to be $300 million.