Perth commentator Tim Treadgold is one of the state's highest-profile business journalists. He brings decades of experience to Business News, offering readers sharp and insightful analysis of current events and breaking news.
ONE fortune in a lifetime is enough for most people, but not if you are the 'golden Greek', a schooldays nickname for Kerry Harmanis, the man who pocketed $500 million less than a year before the 2008 stock market meltdown.
A STOCK exchange listing is off the agenda, but Perth property developer Nigel Satterley is creating a corporate structure that will ensure his Satterley Group stays in business long after he is gone.
Private equity might have faded as a force in the stock market, but there’s something bigger happening in the ‘private world’ – the rapid disappearance from public view, and publi
BHP Billiton’s proposed $400 billion merger with Rio Tinto is being hailed as the biggest game in the resources world, but there is a bigger force at work, and it has the potentia
Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forrest, despite their obvious differences, have two characteristics in common – they both enjoy taking BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto to court over railway access and other matters.
As we prepare to enter year six of the greatest resources boom Australia has experienced there’s a hunt under way for the next mining and oil investment theme to maintain the mome
The price of wheat is at an all-time high, the share price of AWB Ltd (once known as the Australian Wheat Board) is at an all-time low. Why is this so?
The aftermath of a stock market correction is always a marvelous time for pondering some of the deeper investment questions, such as whether a business is better off following the
Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia and Malawi are a long way from Perth, but they are the names of African countries that should be burning deeply into the conscience of Western Australia’
Rick Allert and Dick Carter ought to swap notes, because if they did, Mr Allert might learn something about organising a competitive takeover bid, and Mr Carter might learn someth
Anyone watching the Australian stock market for the past few weeks could not avoid the feeling that it’s been bouncing across a ceiling, unable to get much higher, and looking ext