Retail property landlord BWP Trust has increased rents on three of its Bunnings Warehouse properties, including significant jumps for two in Western Australia, highlighting the strength of Perth’s
Perth’s newest skyscraper has reached practical completion, with interior fitouts at Brookfield Place to be completed over the coming months, ahead of an official opening in September.
Property fund manager Charter Hall announced today that it has moved to full ownership of 225 St Georges Tce, after buying out co-owner The Wyllie Group for $96 million.
Business has warned against adding further imposts to small business in Western Australia, urging the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission to tread lightly over a proposal to increase
Perth has emerged as the hottest capital city location for property investment, with four metropolitan suburbs topping a list of the most affordable inner-city suburbs across the country.
Perth-based law firm Balance Legal is merging with regional player Advent Lawyers - forming a new group with four offices in Australia and Singapore, and plans to expand.
Mount Gibson Iron has announced the permanent appointment of Jim Beyer as its chief executive.Mr Beyer has been acting chief executive since December 2011.
The federal government has opened up 27 new offshore petroleum acreages across nine basins in Commonwealth waters off five states, including 13 new areas off the coast of Western Australia.
BHP Billiton has pledged its support for its aluminium and nickel businesses, after announcing plans to consolidate its Stainless Steel Materials and Aluminium business units into a single unit tha
The state government has moved to acquire the necessary land required to build the Pilbara’s next deepwater port, Anketell, 30 kilometres east of Karratha.
Matilda Zircon has appointed former Murchison Metals boss Trevor Matthews as its new chief executive.Mr Matthews will take the reins at Matilda from May 14.
National Australia Bank and the Bank of Queensland have become the first banks to lower interest rates, but both say they won’t pass on the full 50 basis point cut recommended by the Reserve Bank o
The Housing Industry Forecasting Group is predicting a slow recovery for the Perth new homes sector, with dwelling starts down 11 per cent this year on last.
Resource Development Group has added a fourth arm to its engineering and contracting business after exercising an option to acquire Ecologia Environmental Consultants.
The state government has awarded a $22 million contract for road and infrastructure works at the Riverside project in East Perth to Broad Construction.
Berkeley Resources' volatile share price jumped 28 per cent today, making up for similar losses last month, after the uranium explorer announced the appointment of successful Perth dealmaker Ian Mi
Western Australia's Chamber of Minerals and Energy has strongly denied claims from the construction union that the resources sector was not doing enough to train young Australian workers.
Opposition leader Mark McGowan has committed a future Labor goverment to work with the private sector to develop a 20-year infrastructure strategy for the state but the proposal has been rubbished
Overall home sales reached their highest level for two years in the March quarter, with first home-buyers key to the recovery, according to the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia.
The Southern Metropolitan Regional Council has applied for a lifeline for its Canning Vale waste facility, the largest in the state, after the Department Of Environment and Conservation moved to sh