MORE than 90 per cent of first-time property investors overestimate the true market rental for rental properties, a recent survey by the Property Buyers Bureau has found.
TONY Perrin has been appointed acquisitions and business development manager in the Western Australian office of publicy-listed property developer Australand.
Thomas Picton-Warlow has been appointed as a director of Echo Technologies Limited. Stephen Surleff has resigned as a non-executive director of the company.
WHILE most people associate mystery shopping with customer service feedback, Market Equity’s newest division, Spectre, hopes to change that perception.
Corporate Governance Briefing
On Thursday September 4 Meta Management Group in conjunction with Challenger TAFE’s WA Centre for Learning and Community Development is conducting a three hour Good Corporate Governance – Principles Briefing...
JAMES Trevelyan describes the development of an industrial robot capable of being operated via the Internet as something “developed from a crazy idea in the 1990s that is now taken for granted”.