Australian Selection Pty Ltd (Australian) decreased its relevant interest from 17,709,607 ordinary shares (14.8%) to 15,309,606 ordinary shares (12.3%).
Is to purchase AngloGold’s North Monger gold project, located 45 kilometres south-east of Kalgoorlie in the Eastern Goldfields Province of Western Australia.
FOR an industry desperate for funding to help it become globally competitive and innovative, the furniture sector is surprisingly circumspect about the loss of $15 million in Federal funds.
Subsidiary AGEN Biomedical Ltd announced the filing of a patent lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California in San Francisco.
NOT bad but could do better is the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s assessment of the Australian Stock Exchange’s market supervision role.
IN something of an irony, the one thing on which many in the furniture production business agree is that they work in a fragmented industry lacking a strong and unified voice.
THE Australian Securities and Investments Commission has released draft guidelines for the inclusion of information relating to labour standards and environmental, social and ethi