TWO Kimberley pastoral stations managed by Indigenous interests have achieved national recognition with the directors of the Noonkanbah and Millijiddee pastoral stations being the
AUSTRALIA’s wheat export regulation body is investigating whether a Perth-based grain trader may have exported wheat without a licence, the ABC reported last week.
THE Australian Securities and Investments Commission has commenced Federal Court proceedings against Manito Pty Ltd, SJR Nominees Pty Ltd, Steven Preston and James Payne in Perth.
AS the evidence rolls in that Australia’s six-year property boom has moved into reverse everyone with an interest in real estate will need to sharpen their thinking – and that goe
The Australian Institute of Energy is holding a Regulatory Update with guest speaker Jackson McDonald partner Matthew Bowen on Wednesday September 1 at the Parmelia Hilton.
The Western Australian Trade Enquiry Service is operated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCI) with the support of the WA Government’s Department of Industry and Resources.
General information relating to Consolidation publications and CD, e-mail services, technical and administrative enquiries and publication ordering. Includes revised CD.
Multiplex has successfully sought up to $US16.5 million in bonding from Australia’s export credit agency for a subsidiary’s involvement in the construction of a mineral sands proj