Has reached agreement with Aboriginal Elders regarding access to a highly prospective mineralisation site within a section of FMG’s Christmas Creek tenement area.
A DEED of company arrangement enables a company to give its creditors a better return than they would receive in liquidation and allows the company to return to financial stabilit
Public Relations Institute of Australia and Marketing Institute of Australia, fellow and co-author of The Australian and New Zealand Public Relations Manual, Candy Tymson to speak
IF the existing gold exploration level continues in Australia, the nation will be unable to sustain current gold production and investment levels, the Australian Gold Council has
MIRVAC Fini has reported $34 million dollars worth of sales during the first three days of VIP sales for the second apartment building, Axis, at the Peninsula, Burswood.
Has completed placement following receipt of gross proceeds of approximately $6.9 million and the issue of 8.9 million fully paid ordinary shares at a price of 78 cents per share.
Lance Camacho has been appointed group financial controller and company secretary at Hire Intelligence International Limited; he replaces Robert Bluen.
REED Resources has found an extensive surface outcrop of hematite iron oxide at its wholly owned Mount Finnerty Project, about 70 kilometres east of Koolyanobbing.