Has entered into an agreement for an option to purchase a tin, tantalum and gold project within the Pine Creek Geosyncline centered around Mt Shoebridge.
Annual General Meeting will be held at Exchange Plaza Conference Centre, Level 8, Exchange Plaza, 2 The Esplanade, Perth, on November 3, commencing at 2pm.
WEMBLEY doctor Patrick Cranley, who has worked in general practice for the past 50 years, has been honoured with a Metropolitan Senior of the Year award.
The Institute of International Research will host the 2004 Extractive Industries Accounting Conference over Tuesday October 19 to Thursday 21 at the Novotel Langley Hotel.
Public Offer pursuant to the United Gold Prospectus dated 9 August 2004 for the issue of 20,000,000 shares at 20 cents each to raise $4,000,000 has been extended to 29 October 200
Anglo Pacific Group PLC has entered into a new joint venture with Core Resources Pty Ltd, a private Australian-based resources group, to identify mining opportunities in Australia
AUSTRALIAN Securities and Investments Commission chairman Jeffrey Lucy has called on company directors and chief financial officers to actively manage the financial position of th