An agreement signed between the State Government and the Rubibi community in October last year has allowed for the residential development of 33 hectares of prime land near Cable
Announced the launch of a start-up biotechnology company, Dimerix Bioscience Pty Ltd, which is a specialist drug development company. Starpharma is also a foundation shareholder.
A form to apply to move excisable goods in a single transaction - alcohol.
Published: March 14 2005
THE City of Perth has drawn up a draft concept plan to improve William Street between Wellington Street and Mounts Bay Road to coincide with construction work associated with the city section of the n
Is to place 13,500,000 ordinary shares in the Company at $1.40 per share to raise $18,900,000 from predominantly North American institutional investors.
The choice of fund regime will apply to most superannuation arrangements from July 1 2005, giving employees the right to choose where their super guarantee contributions go.
Minerals exploration spending in Western Australia continues to rise with the Australian Bureau of Statistics recording an increase of 12.4 per cent, or $13.5 million, in WA in th
Austrade Australian Business Centre executive director (Taipei) Jeff Turner, Austrade market development specialist China Anne Cao, Austrade senior trade commissioner (Beijing) Kym Hewett and Austrade
Announced a strategic alliance with global mining group Xstrata Copper which includes a $6.6 million funding injection, an exploration joint venture, off-take agreement and co-operation on infrastruct