For the second consecutive year the UWA Motorsport team has won the Carroll Smith Memorial Prize for the Best Designed Vehicle in the Formula SAE championships held in Detroit, US, last week.
The colour, vibrancy and unique taste of Croatian cuisine will be on display in Perth next week at the 10th annual Croatian Food Festival at the Esplanade Hotel Fremantle.
Amusement Centre
Price $159,000
Located in the CBD this popular amusement centre and snooker hall provides fun & entertainment for all age groups and social circles.
Sophie Williamson 9481 4422
Force First National principal Rory Trotter has been appointed chairman of the board of directors for the First National real estate network. WA’s Krys Tully was appointed as a director.
LOCAL listed pharmaceutical company PharmAust has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Epichem, in collaboration with an international pharmaceutical group and Murdoch University, has discovere
The Institute of Public Administration Australia WA is hosting a breakfast seminar on the topic of Women and Workplace Mobbing: An issue for the 21st century, June 16 at the Sheraton Hotel.
AFT Corporation Ltd
A General Meeting will be held at 11.00am on 30 June 2005 at The West Australian Club, 101 St Georges Terrace Perth.
Australian Mines Ltd
A Western Australian scientist from the Asthma and Allergy Research Institute (AARI) has been awarded the Marie Curie Fellowship which will enable her to work for Galapagos, a biotech company in the D
Stephen Stock has joined Integrated Group Limited to develop an executive search and selection division for the diversified services and recruitment company.
2005 tax return NAT 0660 in Portable Document Format (PDF) and information on ordering paper copies.
Published: May 25 2005
VIEW Resources has announced that it will commission a feasibility study into its Bronzewing gold mine in the north eastern Goldfields, after it announced in early March that it was deferring the proj