Western Australian civil engineering firm Porter Consulting Engineers (formerly David Porter Consulting Engineer) has a new name, a new look and a new associate.
Price $423 per sqm Ocean and river views. Money making roadhouse. Has residence plus 2 brm apartment. 2600 sqm corner block that boarders golf course. 5% R.O.I.
November 8 Richfield International Proposed code: RIS Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: owner operator of bulk carrier vessels and provision of a wide range of services for the shipping industr
FUGRO Survey in Perth has successfully completed the first sub-sea survey phase of its $30 million contract for the big Gorgon gas project off Western Australia’s north-west coast.
Caravan Park Price $600,000 ps Central to tourist facilities, wineries and craft centres. Southwest on 8 acres. Freehold available. Includes manager’s residence.
October 20 Resource Finance and Investments Code: RFI Issue price: $0.20 First day’s close: $0.20 Principal activities: gold and base metals exploration.
December 12 C @ Limited Proposed code: CEO Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: optical wholesale production. (08) 9328 3311 The company is aiming to raise $2.5 million.
Range River Gold Limited 26-Oct-05 National Australia Bank Limited changed its relevant interest from 7,000,000 ordinary shares (6.56%) to 10,000,000 ordinary shares (5.33%).
Dwyka Diamonds Ltd 27-Oct-05 Announced a joint venture with De Beers, giving Dwyka access to two diamondiferous kimberlites located in the Nzega District of Tanzania following the signing of agreement
Platinum Australia Ltd 24-Oct-05 Awarded the contract for Lead Engineer on the Smokey Hills Platinum Project Bankable Feasibility Study and the Kalahari Platinum Project Pre and Bankable Feasibility S
Quickstep Holdings Ltd 12-Oct-05 State One Capital Group became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 7,977,246 ordinary shares (6.98%).
View Resources Ltd 26-Oct-05 Has reached an agreement with Mincor Resources NL to allow Mincor to earn 70% equity in the Carnilya Hill nickel project (except for existing resources) by spending $2.5m
Cafe CBD Price $165,000 (replacement value) Fantastic location. Turnover $8,000pw. Five days only. Long lease. Owner wants a quick sale. Jan Gunnink 9486 1000 Gunnink & Co Business Brokers
Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) is a long established independent professional engineering delivery organisation with a team of about 5000 people in offices in major business centres across the globe.