WITH the Australians winning again we are all cricket fans, and there is a special cruise to see the Aussies try to retain the world cup in the West Indies in 2007.
FREMANTLE architect Kieran Wong has beaten 30 challengers from around Australia to win the prestigious $20,000 ‘Building for Diversity’ design competition.
Proposed code: ODY Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: gas production. Coporate: Ian Middlemass (chairman); Mark O’Clery (director); Mark Pearce (director).
4-Nov-05 B.L.Sleeman & C.J.Blannin as trustess for Sleeman Edgar Superannuation Fund became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 16,334,530 ordinary shares (5.03%).
4-Nov-05 Ascent Capital Pty Ltd & directors D & G .Steinepreis & H.Warner increased its relevant interest from 3,378,333 ordinary shares (9.94%) to 3,826,488 ordinary shares (11.26%).
ORBITAL Corporation’s 50:50 joint venture with Siemens VDO Automotive Corporation, Synerject, has signed a letter of intent with Bombardier Recreational Products US Inc.
10-Nov-05 Optus has decided to exercise its right under section 661A(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) to compulsorily acquire all remaining Alphawest shares.
Darren Lomman, a mechanical engineering student at the University of Western Australia, was announced 2005 Australian Young Biomedical Engineer of the Year at the inaugural Australian Biomedical Engin
A FOUNDER of Western Australia’s biggest advertising agency and one of the industry’s best known characters, Colin Mullins, passed away this week. Mr Mullins had been suffering from cancer.
THE University of Western Australia has announced the purchase of a robotic telescope currently being built in the US to be commissioned in Gingin next year.
Code: WRL Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: platinum, base metals and gold exploration. Corporate: Adrian Griffin (director); Grant Button (director); Kevin Huntly (director).
THE Fremantle Dockers has signed up global electronics giant LG Electronics as its major sponsor with a three-year deal thought to be worth around $3.5 million.