EMPEROR Mines Ltd will pay $315 million to acquire the Papua New Guinea gold assets of DRDGold, making it the third largest gold producer in Australia.
GREEN Rock Energy has appointed Alan Knights and Scott Sherwood Spencer as executive director and non-executive director respectively in the WA-based geothermal energy company.
17-Nov-05 Has entered a $7.35 million 20 year agreement with the South Australian Broadband Research and Education Network to build, manage and access an extensive fibre-optic network throughout Adela
STATEWEST Credit Society members have voted in favour of demutualisating their institution, paving the way for the proposed merger with listed suitor Home Building Society.
I’M a writer, not an author. I write my own material. Every word. Many ‘authors’ don’t. It would disappoint you to know who doesn’t write their own stuff. To me, it’s a matter of pride.
IN a significant expansion of its automotive retail division, Automotive Holdings Group Limited has taken on the Hino Truck dealership at Dandenong, Victoria.
December 9 Proposed code: CPT Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: home trader. Corporate: Mark Freeman (non-executive chairman); John Day (managing director); Jason Davis (executive director).
14-Nov-05 JPMorgan Chase & Co. and its affiliates increased its relevant interest from 7,954,783 ordinary shares (5.18%) to 10,500,000 ordinary shares (6.84%).
14-Nov-05 Commonwealth Bank of Australia decreased its relevant interest from 61,617,623 ordinary shares (14.54%) to 58,387,613 ordinary shares (13.60%).
11-Nov-05 Has executed a formal agreement with Hatch Associates to carry out a detailed Design Feasibility Study on re-opening the Company’s Windimurra Vanadium Project.
Palandri Limited announced Michael Cunningham, a director of the company, wishes to resign from the board effective from the date of the annual general meeting to be held on November 29 2005.
BASE metal tenements in the Northern Territory previously owned by investment houses Mineral Securities and Australian Heritage Group are the basis for a new public float to raise $2.2 million.
ON the eve of last weekend’s Margaret River Wine Festival, Western Australian wine producers were being prepped on international marketing and export trends.
ALINTA announced a $110 million contract to Alstom Australia Limited for the supply of two 162 megawatt gas turbines for the first stage of a major cogeneration facility at Alcoa’s Wagerup refinery.
AUSTRALIA’S agricultural industry is eagerly anticipating the outcome of the latest round of Doha World Trade Organisation talks in Hong Kong next month.