Argyle Diamonds Mines Pty Ltd said production had not been affected by recent industrial action, during which 26 per cent of its workforce stopped work at the company’s mine.
South Australian meat manufacturer T & R Pastoral’s decision to buy EG Green and Sons Lakes Road Abattoir in North Dandalup is good news for the state’s meat producers.
Red 5 Limited, 31/01/06, Mathews Capital Partners - Sabre Fund Increased its relevant interest from 15,507,964 ordinary shares (6.2%) to 21,451,575 ordinary shares (7.98%)
QPSX Limited, 02/12/05-02/02/06, Paul Farrelly Decreased its relevant interest from 38,389,074 ordinary shares (17.96%) to 32,815,074 ordinary shares (13.9%)
Golden State Resources Ltd, 08/02/06, Has entered a joint venture with iron ore explorer Polaris Metals NL, allowing Polaris to earn a 70% equity in the rights to iron ore mineralization at the Compan
The oil-for-food scandal surrounding the Australian Wheat Board continues to widen, with the Federal Government now drawn into the affair.The Cole Inquiry warned the government it would push to have i
Derek Lenartowicz has been appointed to the board of Korab Resources Limited as an alternate director to Rodney Henry James Skeet, who is a non-executive director of the company, currently residing in
Price: $1,550,000 Strata freehold restaurant and karaoke venue located within the high demand, central Northbridge entertainment precinct. Steve Bowes: 9481 4422 GMO & Associates
Proposed code: CTP Issue price: $0.20Principal activities: oil and gas exploration.Corporate: Henry Askins (non-executive chairman); John Heugh (managing director); Richard Faull (executive director a
1-Feb-06 Has received a Letter of Award from Gold Fields Ltd for a new six year contract backdated to June 2005 for open pit mining at the Damang mine in Ghana. Revenues are expected around $325m
Self managed superannuation funds - Role and responsibilities of trustees.This guide introduces new trustees of self managed superannuation funds to the rules governing the operations of these funds a
LEIGHTON Holdings announced it will incur a loss on the Mandurah rail project after lodging claims with the state government totalling $191 million.The company also confirmed its Leighton-Kumagai join
PERTH-BASED mineral deposits miner Olympia Resources has announced a long-term zircon supply contract at its flagship Keysbrook mineral sands project, south of Perth.At prevailing zircon prices, the c
The Lions Eye Institute in Nedlands has appointed Helen Rowe (pictured) as director of development in place of Sasha Pendal, who moved to Woodside last year.