Credit Suisse First Boston Holdings Australia Ltd dereased its relevant interest from 29,946,950 ordinary shares (6.92%) to 23,006,984 ordinary shares (5.32%)
Australian Gas Light Company announced an offer to merge with Alinta Ltd offering 0.564 AGL shares for every Alinta share, implemented through a scrip-for-scrip off-market takeover offer by AGL for al
Has secured contract extensions representing gross revenues of approximately $80 to $90 million, from HWE Mining-Leighton on two of its major projects.
Has reached an in-principle agreement with Hartleys Ltd to raise $2.75 million through the placement of 5,000,000 shares, principally to Hartleys’ retail and institutional clients.
Located in prime position in busy centre NOR. 90sqm of retail space. 260 boxes. Showing excellent growth. Full documentation. Tony Johnson: 0411 313 949 Gunnink & Co Business Brokers
Change Corporation has appointed Terry Bell as associate director. Previously with UnisysWest, Mr Bell was the engagement director for the Department of Justice application outsourcing contracts.
This self assessment tool will help you establish whether you qualify as a provider of a BAS service for a fee in accordance with paragraphs 251L(6)(a) and 251L(6)(b) of the Income Tax Assessment Act
Has announced its first commercial partnering agreement with international biotechnology company Opsona Therapeutics to develop a new class of Phylomer® drugs targeting inflammatory diseases
These instructions help you complete the Prescribed private fund information return 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005. A PDF version of the return form and instructions is provided.
Announced a placement of 6,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares which will be arranged by Capital Investment Partners to raise $1.2 million (before capital raising costs).
Has earned a 51% interest in Exploration Licence 23824 held by Softwood Plantations Pty Ltd following $250,000 of exploration expenditure incurred by Territory Iron in 2005 on the tenement.
Confidence continues to ride high with 87 per cent of WA companies in the latest CCI-BankWest Survey of Business Expectations saying the state economy will be strong or strengthen in the next year.
Unique in WA. Servicing major clients such as Liquorland and government departments. On-site in-situ spray painting of all metal surfaces to colour co-ordinate with themes, logos or company colours.
COLES Myer bid heavily this week 10 years ago in two separate auctions in Perth and Sydney to make a strategic reinvestment in the Arana Hills Properties portfolio, a trust in which Coles holds a 65 p
Bulletin to inform tax practitioners of the most recent updates to - 8 March 2006. Published: March 10 2006