Has signed a conditional contract with OAMPS Ltd and its relevant controlled entities which, assuming the conditions are satisfied and the transaction completes, will see CAF issue 24,461,995 shares t
IN May, Global Gypsies will lead an intrepid convoy of 4WD travellers on a 12-day, self-drive expedition through the beautiful Karijini, Cape Range and Millstream National Parks, and then on to Coral
SMALL businesses are more worried about their ability to attract the right staff and less about firing staff, according to a research on human resource management (HRM) commissioned by CPA Australia.
Gavin Lucas has joined Tungsten Group as regional manager WA/NT. Mr Lucas has previously worked for companies such as Alcoa, Western Power and BHP Billiton.
Meeting minutes for the Register of Complying Super Funds (ROCS) workshop held in Sydney on January 18 2006. http://ato.gov.au/distributor.asp?doc=/content/71895.htm Published: April 11 2006
The annual and special meeting of the holders of common shares, will be held on the 3 rd floor of the National Club located at 303 Bay Street in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on May 10, 2006 at 11:00 a.m.
Established over 12 years. Strong domestic market plus exports. EBIT $650,000. Growth potential. Tony Johnson: 9486 1000 or 0411 313 949 Gunnink & Co Business Brokers
Proposed code: UTO, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: uranium exploration, Corporate: Philip Lucas (non-executive chairman), Stephen Mann (non-executive director), Stanley Macdonald (non-execu
PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS is one of Western Australia’s leading accounting and business services providers with its insolvency practice ranked 9th in the 2006 WA Business News Book of Lists.
West Perth-based junior oil and gas explorer Livingstone Petroleum Ltd announced it would raise $1.5 million to partially fund its forthcoming six-well program to be undertaken by the Forbes joint ven
A service and product business with clients under contract. Rare opportunity to acquire a well established and profitable IT business, with significant future growth opportunities.
Proposed code: GLA, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: nickel, gold and uranium explorer, Corporate: John Palermo (director), Mark O’ Malley (director), John Hills (director), Douglas Cunningha
Issues discussed include multiple assessments, rulings not consistent with Court decisions, Higher Reasonable Benefits Limit, Trust cloning and standing items.
Sandvik AB, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Sanvik Mining & Construction Australia Pty Ltd announce their intention to make a takeover offer for SDS Corporation
GRD Ltd has appointed former premier Richard Court (left) as non-executive chairman, to replace Brettney Fogarty, who has announced he will step down as chairman.
Well established business with a long and profitable history. Located in a growing South West location. Multiple product lines & repeat clientele. Justin Virgin: 9443 7171 Schultz Partners