Annual General Meeting will be held at City West Function Centre, City West Centre, 45 Plaistowe Mews, West Perth, Western Australia on Wednesday 22 November 2006 commencing at 1.30 pm
ASX: MRU, Issue price: $0.20, First days close: $0.265, Principal activities: uranium exploration, Corporate: Ian Middlemas (chairman), Robert Behets (managing director), Mark Pearce (non-executive di
Has entered into an agreement in relation to its mineral interests relating to the Woodlawn mining lease whereby upon the completion of a positive feasibility, all of SML 20 will be transferred to Tri
HOME Building Society Ltd has announced it will continue to examine merger opportunities with Police and Nurses Credit Society Ltd, despite its target failing to agree to a meeting.
Proposed code: MNM, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold and copper exploration, Corporate: Martin Blakeman (chairman), Stephen de Belle (managing director), Peter Anderton (executive direct
Redkite is an Australian charity that supports children and their families through cancer by providing emotional guidance, financial assistance and educational services.
Financial Services Institute of Australasia (Finsia) is holding an oil and gas showcase focusing on the globally increasing need for energy, October 26 at the Parmelia Hilton Hotel.With oil and gas pr
Stuart Till has been appointed exploration manager at Thor Mining PLC, heading up the regional exploration program on Thor’s 100% owned uranium and tungsten-molybdenum projects.
Proposed code: PEK, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold exploration, Corporate: Paul Price (non-executive chairman), Mark Maine (managing director & company secretary), Kell Nielsen (te
Issues discussed: Opening; Review of action items from March 21 2006 meeting; Budget proposals; Systems update; Product update; Client Relationship Management; Wind up of funds; Other business.http://