Astounding retail success in mid-sized centre with two major retail outlets as drawcards. Business also operates a very successful retail banking section.
Proposed code: MNM, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold and copper exploration, Corporate: Martin Blakeman (chairman), Stephen de Belle (managing director), Peter Anderton (executive direct
The Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) is hosting its inaugural resources sector ICT symposium, November 10 at the Perth Convention Centre.The symposium will provide a forum for resour
Kerry Matthew Stokes, Redlake Enterprises Pty Ltd, Tiberius Pty Ltd, Ashblue Holdings. became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 31,178,817 ordinary shares (14.9%).
Annual general meeting will be held at the Constitutional Centre of Western Australia, corner of Havelock Street and Parliament Place, West Perth, on Thursday, 23 November 2006 at 10.00am.
Rick Stowe’s Griffin Coal Mining Company is planning to borrow around $530 million through a note issue to refinance group debt and provide funding for its current expansion projects.
“WRITING a book has provided the single greatest return on investment of any business decision I have ever made in the history of the company,” exclaims Todd Hopkins, CEO of Indianapolis-based Office
Proposed code: SWK, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: mineral drilling, Proposed corporate: Andrew Simpson (chairman), Kent Swick (managing director), Randal Swick (non-executive director), Mi