West Perth-based base metals exploration company DMC Mining Ltd will close its $2.2 million initial public offer today, with money raised to go towards the acquisition and exploration of its tenements
West Perth-based mineral explorer Equinox Minerals Ltd has signed a contract worth $53 million with UK-based Standard Chartered Bank to provide contingency funding for its Lumwana project.
AN increase in sales of lottery tickets and scratch cards of 10 per cent has put Lotterywest’s total end-of-financial-year community contribution at a record $191 million.
Subiaco-based tungsten and molybdenum explorer Vital Metals Ltd has raised $6.6 million through a placement to partially fund a feasibility study of its Watershed project, the company has announced.
West Perth-based exploration company Platinum Australia Ltd has raised $12.5 million in a placement to fund a standby security deposit for its Smokey Hills platinum project.
The Federal Government has announced a change to the GST registration threshold, with those turning over less than $75,000 per year, $150,000 for not-for-profit organisations, being exempt from regist
Territory Resources Ltd chairman Michael Kiernan has welcomed a decision by Consolidated Minerals Ltd to allow the company to conduct due diligence, despite what he says is its highly restrictive nature.
Uranium explorer Atomic Resources Ltd says it is looking at a number of investment opportunities in Australia and Africa after making a solid debut on the Australian stock exchange.
Central African Mining & Exploration Company plc decreased its relevant interest from 30,825,000 ordinary shares (19.997%) to 9,480,000 ordinary shares (6.149%).
EZENET Ltd managing director Richard Burt has resigned from his position to take up the chief executive role at the state’s racing authority, Racing and Wagering Western Australia, following the retir
This form and instructions help superannuation funds meet their legal requirements to give information to an individual before payment of a superannuation lump sum.
Linq Group (Linq Resources Fund) - Ashdon Nominees Pty Ltd became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 4,940,034 ordinary shares (7.6%).
Advises that 5,000,000 shares issued as part consideration for the acquisition of Webfirm Pty Ltd and Search World Pty Ltd’s assets and operations will be released from voluntary escrow on 2 July 2007
WOODSIDE Petroleum managing director Don Voelte has raised the possibility that development of the company’s giant Browse Basin gas field could be linked to its planned Pluto LNG plant or the existin
For use by individuals to assist with completion of 2006 income tax returns. http://www.ato.gov.au/distributor.asp?doc=/content/content/00098213.htm Published: June 28 2007
General Meeting will be held at The office of BMA Gold Limited (Administrator Appointed), Level 2, 80 Mount St, North Sydney NSW 2060, on Friday 27 July 2007 at 11.00am.