Gap widens in two-speed economy; Carbon scheme a 'threat to industry'; Forrest blames Fortescue dive on short-sellers; Firepower criticism for Austrade, watchdog; BankWest sale talk louder as HBOS' support wanes
Cape Lambert Iron Ore Ltd said it has no new information to offer following its meeting with representatives of Merrill Lynch and Russian steelmaker Evraz Group S.A, which is believed to have taken a 16 per cent stake in the WA company.
Traditional owners in the Pilbara region are celebrating a win in the National Native Title Tribunal over Fortescue Metals Group Ltd after proving the company failed to negotiate in good faith over a tenement application.
CBA leads the race for BankWest; Clash looms on Cape deal; PM carbon plan $60bn threat to LNG; Ferguson serves notice on WA oil and gas retention licences; Lowy rejects claims family tried to avoid paying taxes
Four Midwest Corporation Ltd directors have cashed in nearly $60 million worth of shares after accepting Sinosteel Corp's offer, while the Chinese steelmaker keeps quiet on whether it will extend its takeover deadline, due to expire tomorrow.
WA a prime force in strong Woolies year; Rich and business to pay for PM's carbon gamble; Australians' wealth hits record in the past year; US issues shock short selling ban; 14pc raid may wreck $400m Cape China deal
FORMER Perth accountant Nick Hawkins has been appointed chief financial officer at national insurance player Insurance Australia Group, which owns SGIO, as part of a big overhaul of the company’s mana
THERE is an air of expectation that WA Newspapers Holdings Ltd will be offering the market a fresh sense of direction after the turbulence of the past year.
The Australian share market plunged two per cent today amid heavy losses from the banks on continuing uncertainty about the economic outlook after the US Treasury bailed out home mortgage lenders Fred
The WA Sustainable Energy Association and the Australian Institute of Energy are to hold a breakfast entitled ‘BP Statistical Review of World Energy’, to be presented by London-based Christof Rue
THE Note has always been cautious about throwing stones in glass houses, but a missive from Liberal environment and climate change spokesperson Robyn McSweeney left us with no choice.
PERTH-BASED Pty Ltd has formed a partnership with internet company Yahoo!7 to provide a rich user experience for Australian renters and landlords.
FORMER Dean of Murdoch University business school, Professor Michael Schaper, has been appointed as second deputy chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
WEST Perth-based Albidon Limited has delivered the first concentrate at its fully-owned Munali Nickel Project, 60 kilometres south of the Zambian capital Lusaka.
WESTERN Australia has recorded a 10.3 per cent rise in bankruptcy levels over the June quarter while national levels over the past financial year were at their second highest on record.
Energy: Alternatives and opportunities beyond the resources expansion The Australian British Chamber of Commerce is to host a breakfast briefing featuring guest speaker, Energy Minister Francis Logan.
START-UP telecommunications company TheBuzz Corp is seeking second-round funding for the roll-out of its VOIP technology to homes and businesses nationally.
WEST Perth-based Oilex Ltd has announced two key appointments, with Ben Clube appointed as chief finance and commercial officer and Kim Morrison as business development manager.
DO you have a team of ‘can do, will do and do do’ people? (Not to be confused with ‘dodo’ people.) Is the team atmosphere one more of negativity than positivity?
AFTER five years in the role, inaugural state architect Geoffrey London has decided not to renew his contract when it expires at the end of the year, and will instead move to Melbourne to take up the
Perth-based Mission Biofuels Ltd has secured a 12-month contract with a global oil trading company to supply up to 84,000 tonnes of biodiesel starting from next year.
Perth-based Avita Medical Ltd, formerly Clinical Cell Culture, has posted a 16 per cent increase in unaudited revenue over the 2008 financial year, underpinned by strong growth sales of its respiratory products.
Billions lost in US fallout; Primebroker play challenges ANZ's primacy; WA, Qld need extra 127,000 workers every year; Centro exits US portfolio for $728m to cut debts; Drivers spared climate pain as excise cut offsets new tax
Golden West Resources Ltd has hit out at major shareholder Portman Ltd over its proposal to change the make-up of the board, saying if it goes ahead, the latter will have effectively taken control of the company without paying a premium.
Tax grab 'threatening to derail' WA gas expansion; Goyder says scale vital in inflation fight; Toll takes $1.3b hit as it bales out of Virgin Blue; AWB wins backing for corporate overhaul; BHP, Rio cap iron ore price rises for Europe
US based Harbinger Capital has increased its shareholding in Western Australian iron ore miner Midwest Corporation Ltd from 9.1 per cent to 10.53 per cent.
West Perth-based gold miner Troy Resources NL has cashed in its profitable investment in Canadian company Comaplex, raising $47.9 million and potentially more under a 'top up' deal.