MJB&B Advertising and Market-ing Group and Internet advertising specialists Elink Media Limited have created what they claim to be Australia’s first full-service online and offline marketing, advertising and communications agency.
ALBANY-BASED Supersorb Minerals has taken a significant step in its drive to develop environmental technology projects as an extension of its core absorbent minerals business, starting test work for mine water treatment and mine site remediation at th...
FOLLOWING last year’s sellout success of the extra-value Olympic Edition Vectra, Astra and Barina models, Holden has released another competitive Olympic Edition four cylinder line-up.
WHILE most media professionals are obsessed with the emergence – and convergence – of new electronic mediums, a Perth company is offering what it believes is needed most...content creation.
PERTH-based Genesis Biomedical Ltd and German biotechnology group co.don are investigating the feasibility of establishing an Asia Pacific joint venture company to supply human tissue engineering and transplantation products and services for musculo-s...
THE END of the wet in the Kimberley region has signalled the start of a most significant phase in the resurgence of diamond exploration in WA’s far north.
GUILDFORD-based Inchant Brewing Company has achieved its two year growth plan over the past six months.Brewer Ian Jeffery said the company’s expansion plan had been fast-tracked due to critical success.
POINT of sale business-to-business application service provider Thin Technologies recently announced a cash position of $11.6 million and no long-term liabilities as of June 30.
PERTH-based high-resolution imaging company Lumacom has launched the first of its planned worldwide network of high-impact, full colour video displays.
ADVERTISERS on the Internet must systematically ‘weed’ outdated material from web sites or risk getting in trouble with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
A SPECIALLY equipped caravan will help the Royal Flying Doctor Service provide enhanced primary health care services to people living in remote areas of WA.
Perth-based Mining 2000, has developed what is rated as the biggest international convention and trade exhibition ever held in the country for the Australian mining industry.
More than 120 laptops are stolen or lost every day in Australia while major system breakdowns, tape restoration failures and even sabotage by disgruntled employees play havoc with business data.
For those of you who follow these things, I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say it’s difficult to believe The Globe restaurant at the Hilton is now two years old.
Perth-based iron ore miner Portman Limited – which has signed a deal to take 100 per cent ownership of the Koolyanobbing iron ore project – has passed another important milestone in its growth strategy with the official opening of a new $9.5 million s...
PERTH’S new UWA and AIM Senior Management Centre was a ground-breaking initiative for education and business in WA and probably the first of its kind in Australia, according to a founder.
WOMEN make up 49.5 per cent of the working population in the City of Perth, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Working Population Community Profile.
MEDIA monitoring is a little-known but very handy business service, says Media Monitors WA general manager Mark Willington. “I often meet people who have no idea what media monitoring is about,” Mr Willington said.
A PROJECT which commemorates William the Conqueror’s 1086 Domesday Book has spawned an international mapping mission.The Domesday Book was effectively Britain’s first comprehensive national census.
Perth-based minerals explorer Exodus Minerals Limited is targeting a world wide market valued at around $1.8 billion with a move to diversify through a new venture capital division specialising in biotechnology projects.
NEW digital television and datacasting legislation is overly restrictive and will have wide ramifications for the future of the emerging media, says Murdoch University marketing and media program chair Duane Varan.
IN THE eight years since the annual Diggers and Dealers Mining Forum started in Kalgoorlie, it’s become quite clear there is nothing else like it anywhere in the world.
Quicklime manufacturer Cockburn Cement will spend about $1 million to overhaul its dredging fleet, which includes the dredge Success, three barges and the workboat Carnac.
METHOD + Madness is gearing up for major expansion.The company will move in August into brand new premises on the corner of Hay and Rokeby Streets in Subiaco, to accommodate a planned growth in staff from 60 to 150.