MJB&B Advertising’s ads for Retravision alarm clocks won the computer/office technology and consumer desirables category at the recent Australian and New Zealand Folio.
LIKE silver service, Perth’s French cuisine restaurants are an endangered species that could be counted on one hand. Certainly many chefs enhance their innovative dishes with haute cuisine influences but restaurants dedicated to it are few and far between
ANOTHER base metal project, now in the throes of being developed for an estimated $42 million, will join the ranks of its nickel producing peers in WA.
AFTER 35 years in WA, Jack Bendat and his wife went south in search of a farm. In the green undulating hills around Mt Barker at a place where the Hay River flows, they found a winery and vineyard that once was a farm.
COMPARING pre- and post-GST prices showed that between May and July the overall average price change was +1.8 per cent for commonly purchased goods and services.
FREMANTLE’S cosy Essex Restaurant has arguably the finest seafood in that city and would rate among the best in the State. A big statement perhaps, but these accolades are well deserved.
TANAMI Gold NL has consolidated its position as a major land-holder and explorer in the highly prospective Tanami-Arunta Province stretching from WA into the Northern Territory by acquiring the regional joint venture interests of Glengarry Resources NL.
Mining portal a hitWA’S newest mining industry portal has been launched at www.miningetrade.com.au Mining E-Trade’s Ron Highchurch said it was the State’s most in-depth web site to date.
Jane Brook has returned to the winemaking days of the past by employing concrete open fermenters to make a huge Swan Valley shiraz from vines planted in 1945.
THE implementation of Kronos labour management software gives most businesses a return on investment within the first 12 months, says Diamond Management managing director Neil McCormack.
INTERNET advertising specialist Elink Media Limited has appointed WA businessman and Business News corporate consultant as non-executive chairman of its board of directors.
PERTH-BASED oil producer Amadeus Petroleum NL — a relatively small operator in the United States oil patch — has chalked up a near million dollar net profit in the current financial year and considerably reduce its debt.
THE FORMATION of a screen industry precinct, a new training and incentive scheme and a substantial incentive package are three major proposals of the Premier’s newly launched Screen Industry Taskforce Report.
MORE and more I notice little signs around restaurant and café checkouts begging patrons not to ask for separate bills and I’m sympathetic towards the restaurateurs’ plight.
A SURGE in complaints to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission about share trading software has prompted an ASIC surveillance and enforcement program and caused the Commission to issue a consumer alert.
AUSTRALIAN creators and publishers whose books are held in educational lending libraries are now eligible to receive payments through the Educational Lending Right (ELR) program.
SIX weeks after listing, Australian copper producer Matrix Metals Limited has commenced production from the reopened Dobbyn pit at the Mt Cuthbert operation.