THERE’S plenty of action in most categories of our Legal Elite poll and things may well hot up even further with the news that any qualified WA lawyer who casts a vote in the Lega
AUSTRALIA’S monthly balance of trade improved sharply in January recording a deficit of $1.36 billion in the month after the record $2.99 billion deficit recorded in December.
ASIC has warned anyone thinking of sending money overseas to an organisation called LifeWealth8 that the scheme’s website contained information of concern to ASIC.
THE State Government is committed to the development of a strong, diversified and sustainable economic base that provides high-quality jobs, income growth and a continually improv
Public submissions are invited in response to an environmental, social and economic review prepared by ChevronTexaco on behalf of the Gorgon joint venture partners, seeking access
THE City of Perth proposal to sink all the railway lines in Northbridge is now available to the public in the recently launched document, Realising a New Vision for Perth.
Community organisations, key interest groups and not-for-profit organisations are invited to apply for grants of up to $2,000 to encourage greater participation of women in the co
WESTERN Australia lost 28,200 working days due to industrial disputes in the 12 months to November 2002, according to the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
The Kalgoorlie-Boulder Family Training Institute will receive $49,900 for refurbishment, external facilitator training, training aids, projection equipment and internal program de
A RECENT decision by the full bench of the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission has brought the issue of payments for redundant employees back into focus.
THE Federal Government has announced measures to improve the so-called Simplified Tax System (STS) and foreshadowed other changes to further improve the tax system.