The Department for Planning and Infrastructure has released a report outlining preliminary concepts and cost estimates for four possible sites for a Broome boat harbour.
The Minerals Council of Australia is calling for papers for consideration in the council’s 2003 Sustainable Development Conference, incorporating the 28th Annual Environmental Wor
The Western Australian branch of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia has elected Graham McHarrie of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as chairman of the WA Regional Council
Ahead of a mid-year deadline to justify WA retail trading hours arrangements to the National Competition Council, the WA Government has released a discussion paper on retail tradi
The Securities Institute are holding a Business Lunch at the Sheraton Hotel on Thursday March 20, featuring the CEO of Aquarius Platinum, Stuart Murray.
LOCAL electronic engineering commercial and operational services company Atamo heads to Sydney next week in an effort to secure new commercialisation ventures.
ChevronTexaco Australia managing director Rhonda Zygocki will be leaving Perth, after being named ChevronTexaco vice president of health, environment and safety.
Public submissions are invited in response to an environmental, social and economic review prepared by ChevronTexaco on behalf of the Gorgon joint venture partners, seeking access
THIS year is being promoted as the International Year of Fresh Water, and the Australian Trade Commission is hoping to use the water focus to link Australian water industry compan
The WA Chamber of Commerce and Industry are running a workshop on Thursday March 20, entitled Fundamentals of Tenders and Contracts at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Centre
The 31st annual WA Citizen of the Year awards are now open, with nine categories - Arts, Culture & Entertainment; Industry & Commerce; Community Service; Youth; The Profes