CONTINGENCY plans to fill two floors of Saracen Properties’ $45 million Murray Street retail development, in the likely absence of collapsed retailer Harris Scarfe, are well under way and promise to introduce a host of new retailers to the
BUILDING contractor K Mountain this week announced it had entered into voluntary administration after a number of projects it was involved in were put on hold.
MORTGAGE origination is an industry few people would have heard about until recent times but, after just 12 years, the burgeoning industry is rapidly changing the face of housing finance.
WHILE the announcement of three major building projects has provided an enormous boost to the profile of the city’s west end, there has been a resurgence of interest in Adelaide Terrace and the city’s east end.
AS I was scratching my head wondering what to write about for this week’s column on the KMPG Consulting Central Park Stair Climb, my editor suggested I take a peek into the future and write about what I thought it would be like.
THE introduction of the Goods and Services Tax has resulted in the establishment of three systems under which commercial property sales can be taxed, and the decision as to which brings the greatest benefit is still causing
THE Perth property and retail sectors are outraged this week over last Friday’s announcement that the State Government would increase parking bay licence fees by 70 per cent from July 1.
TRADITIONALLY, property owners have viewed a heritage listing as the kiss-of-death, lamenting lost development opportunities and valuable dollars wasted on restoring a property with so-called heritage value.
THE Ministry of Fair Trading has real estate investment advice schemes firmly in sights, confirming it is in the process of seeking legal advice into a possible investigation of industry players.
LIFESTYLE villages and those for the over 55’s traditionally have been seen as retirement homes, but a new development in Lake Joondalup is set to change this.
MONTHS of frustration and confusion over the future of her home has led a Claremont woman to write a personal letter to Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan.
THERE is evidence the WA economy is rebounding from a post-GST downturn and months of widespread business pessimism, with key indicators pointing to strong economic growth in the coming financial year.
THE WA property sector is gearing up to fight expected lobbying from retail groups that would give tenants the first right of refusal at the end of a lease period.
I’M not sure exactly how it happened, but somewhere along the way I decided that running up 55 flights of stairs would be a fun way to spend a Saturday and a great way to bond with workmates.
BUILDERS, developers, labourers and others associated with the construction industry will soon have a single arena to voice concerns about, and aspirations for, their industry.
PROPOSED weekend markets could breathe new life and vitality into the city and bring with them valuable shopper dollars for new and existing retailers.
THE $180 million Coral Coast Resort development is one step closer to the construction stage after the Shire of Carnarvon recently gave its unanimous support to project plans.
MANY company directors and executives hold the view that the greatest threat to their online security is a pierced young punk in a dark room with far too much time on his/her hands.
MILLIONS of dollars in unclaimed tax deductions are lost each year by property investors who fail to take full advantage of investment property depreciation entitlements.