The newest addition to Mayland’s burgeoning cafe scene has attracted a loyal and passionate following in just a couple of months. Natalie Gerritsen reports.
TRAVEL is a good business to be in, because it’s a product that almost everyone is interested in, according to travel agent and internet entrepreneur Annette Porter.
UNCERTAINTY in the Australian international education sector hasn’t stopped provider Navitas from delivering a $32.6 million profit after tax for the half-year to December 31, up 18 per cent on the previous year.
ANZ, BP, Fortescue Metals Group and Rio Tinto are among the principal sponsors of the business forum to be held in tandem with the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth in October.
The Group of Eight universities have dominated the first ever national research ranking results released this week, with the University of Western Australia taking out the title of top WA research university.
The Australian Workers Union has placed the blame for Gunns’ closure of its Deanmill sawmilling site squarely on the shoulders of the state government.
SEASONED retailers in Leederville believe the area’s appeal lies in the independent streak displayed by the stores and entertainment outlets rather than the chain operators that have come to dominate other high street precincts.
COMPANIES across the spectrum of Western Australian business have pledged their support for flood-ravaged communities in the eastern states and the Gascoyne region in WA’s north.
THE rise of Facebook and the fall of MySpace may be regularly reported on in the traditional news media, but several local sites are quietly making their own news by carving out a niche in the social networking race.
A JOINT venture between two Western Australian companies has bought two office buildings in Richmond, Melbourne, in recent months, paying about $30 million for the two.
WESTERN Australia’s intrastate air services have received a long-awaited shake-up, but Transport Minister Troy Buswell is disappointed more routes couldn’t be opened up to competition.
Lead contamination concerns at two WA ports have dominated the festive season, with two mines ordered to cease all lead shipments until further notice.
WHILE most of the state was taking a breather over the festive season, three Western Australian companies were busy tying up backdoor listing deals that radically change their areas of operation.
THE Peet Yanchep Land syndicate has settled the $62 million purchase of its development site after Peet Limited bought the majority of syndicate shares.
The Premier and Prime Minister have put aside their differences to announce the refurbishment of the Frasers complex at Kings Park to provide a retreat for leaders at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.
Sales of new homes faltered in November, falling 0.2 per cent amidst fears over rising interest rates, but Western Australia managed to buck the trend.
Marine safety equipment provider Mobilarm has achieved further progress in commercialising its submariner locator beacon, with the United States navy agreeing to purchase $300,000 worth of test units and engineering services.
The Satterley Property Group and 17 of the state's leading builders are set to combine resources in a partnering arrangement to deliver more affordable housing.
The Canadian owner of Magellan Metals insists test results show no public risk of lead contamination, despite the State Government suspending lead shipments through the port of Fremantle over the weekend.