Submissions for the State Government’s Bush Forever closed last week amid attacks from industry groups claiming the proposal is an attack on private property rights.
Retiring High Court Judge Justice Michael McHugh has criticised the discriminatory nature of the legal profession, the systemic and structural practices of which he claims deny wo
A decision last week by the High Court in relation to valuation of commercial premises has highlighted the need for valuers to take into account future developments in the propert
Despite the ongoing speculation about the viability of Perth’s apartment market, growth is being maintained in the luxury apartment sector as new products hit the market.
Critics of the State Government’s recent use of planning legislation to acquire land have argued that last week’s response by Government to a parliamentary report into voluntary acquisition of land fails to address the real issue confronting land holders.
Such is the demand for John Challen’s landscape paintings that the artwork’s sale is usually negotiated before a colour is mixed or a brushstroke made.
The City of Perth is seeking urgent discussions with the Department of Culture and Arts to lobby for a site near the Perth Concert Hall as its preferred location of a planned $30 million theatre development.
The announcement of several prestigious new tenants for St Martins Arcade is seen by many as a sign of positive things to come for Perth’s shopping malls.
Construction law specialists Hollingdales will merge with Asia Pacific law firm Allens Arthur Robinson on November 1 in response to the high level of activity in the resources and
The lag time between the signing of construction contracts and the start of work is having a negative effect on many builders, who say cost increases in labour and materials over that period are cutting into their profit margins.
State Cabinet this week committed $790,000 towards a full feasibility study and community consultation process regarding the redevelopment of Bunbury’s outer harbour into a mixed-use facility.
The Office of State Revenue has issued a number of developers with retrospective land tax assessments for subdivided land previously considered exempt.
Perth International Airport will be a little busier from November with several airlines announcing their intention to increase services and seating capacity to Western Australia.
The area around the intersection of Wellington and William streets will receive a much needed injection of life if a series of proposed developments in the area become more feasible as a result of pedestrian traffic generated by the William Street Station
Government take-up of floor space in Perth has increased more than any other sector in the 11 years from 1990 to 2001, according to a recently released report analysing the change in land use in the city.
Staff at the Western Australian Museum are facing a household ‘clean-up’ on a massive scale with up to three million artefacts being prepared for transport to a new storage facility in Kewdale.
Through its partnerships with the WA Symphony Orchestra and the Art Gallery of WA, law firm Blake Dawson Waldron is not only building a relationship between itself and the arts sector, but also has brought the two arts organisations in to a unique relatio
Architects Woods Bagot drew inspiration for its design of the $400 million College of Technology in Doha, Qatar from a Bedouin rug, Arabic text and an extract of the old Doha City street pattern.
The creation of a free public database under new legislation concerning contaminated sites is expected to ease the transaction process for buyers of contaminated land.