Mines Minister Norman Moore says the minerals resource rent tax should be scrapped on the basis of Senate Select Committee findings that WA jobs and the economy would be threatened by the proposed tax.
The WA Cricket Association and its business partner Ascot Capital expect to begin work on redeveloping the cricket ground in March 2011 after members voted overwhelmingly to support the WACA redevelopment.
ONE of the most significant infrastructure projects at Fremantle Harbour since it opened in 1897, the $43 million reconstruction of Berth 10 at North Quay, is operational.
A significant downturn in the international education sector has put about 2,500 Western Australian jobs within the industry at risk, according to the International Education Association of Australia.
New data from Dun & Bradstreet has revealed Western Australian companies are the quickest to settle their accounts, but it still takes an average of 51.5 days.
Wesfarmers subsidiary Coles has entered the car insurance market, offering potential customers the opportunity to triple their four cent fuel discount receipt once a month for a year.
The Pastoralist and Glaziers Association has weighed into the debate on the future structure of CBH Group supporting a push to change the board's makeup.
Woodside Petroleum has revealed a 9 per cent drop in production in the second quarter of 2010 driven by scheduled maintenance shutdowns, the sale of the company's Otway assets, and a natural decline in oil production.
WA renewable energy development company Mid West Energy is urging the state government to act quickly following a decision by the Victorian government to support solar power projects.
FOUR directors of Perth-based petroleum company Samson Oil & Gas, who took a 30 per cent pay cut last year, have been issued more than 4.9 million shares valued as $133,000.
Agricultural investment company AACL Holdings has announced the appointment of Peter McEwen as the company's executive chairman and chief executive officer.
Burswood Entertainment Complex and the state government have done a deal to expand the gaming capacity of the casino, paving the way for a $350 million makeover of the resort.
Federal, state and local politicians were on hand to watch the first shipment of iron ore from Chinese owned Sinosteel Midwest Corporation leave Geraldton but rough seas meant the ship couldn't berth.
Economists say an increase in the level of credit card debt suggests either consumers are finding it hard to make ends meet or there's been some thawing of consumer conservatism.
A senate committee looking at small business access to finance has tabled its report and made a number of recommendations including forcing banks to abolish exit fees on variable-rate loans.
The City of Subiaco and the City of Nedlands are the first two local government councils in the metropolitan area to start talking about the possibility of merging.
The board of Padbury Mining has disputed if dissident shareholders, led by Denis McInerney, have the support of enough shareholders to force a general meeting and board spill.
Fair Work Australia (FWA) has ordered the suspension of industrial action at Woodside Petroleum's Pluto LNG project by 12 Mammoet crane drivers and telescopic forklift operators.
CONSTRUCTION contractors John Holland and Broad Construction are among the winners from the surge in government and mining company spending on infrastructure in regional Western Australia.