Katie McDonald was the property writer for Business News. She first joined the team in 2016. At the 2017 WA State Media Awards, Katie was a finalist for the Best Cadet/New Journalist award and took out the top prize for the Best Culture and Arts Report, which she also won in 2018. Katie returned to the Business News team for 2020 and 2021 after a stint in copywriting. Katie completed a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Western Australia in 2015 with a double major in marketing and english studies.
More than 135 matters of suspected criminal conduct concerning The City of Perth have been referred to the commonwealth and state authorities, following the completion of a high profile, two-year inquiry into the city’s council and administration.
An analysis of more than 500 apartment sales over the past three years has shown apartments located in Claremont have maintained premium price points in comparison to neighbouring suburbs Subiaco, Floreat, Jolimont and Shenton Park.
The Pingelly Recreation and Cultural Centre has received the highest honours at this year’s Australian Institute of Architects WA Architecture Awards, receiving the George Temple Poole Award.
Recent research on the recycling of building materials in Western Australia has highlighted a pressing need to help facilitate behavioural change across the state’s construction sector, which is estimated to produce more than 1.5 million tonnes of waste each year.
More than 6,400 rental assistance agreements for retailers have been processed nationally in recent weeks, with Western Australia accounting for just 6 per cent of that rent relief.
Primewest has unveiled the second stage of its $100 million plan for the City of Joondalup, pushing ahead with an $80 million proposal for a 12,000 square metre office building, with parking for 150 vehicles.
As the state government focuses on streamlining approvals for large-scale apartment projects, some property developers are hoping the ‘missing middle’ won’t be overlooked.
Developers are pushing ahead with plans for new projects, hoping recent government initiatives aimed at stimulating the sector will help cushion any further COVID and economic blows.
The Housing Industry Association of Australia has forecast a recovery for Western Australia’s home building sector over the next 12 months, following a series of stimulus schemes announced by state and federal governments in recent weeks.
Perth’s real estate leaders say the residential property market is shaping up to be more resilient to pandemic-induced fluctuations than initially anticipated.
Grange Development Consulting has unveiled plans to transform a site on Stirling Highway into an 80-apartment project, the group's second proposal on the highway following its controversial application for the Chellingworth Motors site in Nedlands.
Property developer Paul Blackburne has unveiled a $300 million plan to redevelop the former Sundowner Centre on Stirling Highway into 245 apartments with parks and cafes open to the local community.
Victorian entrepreneur Graeme Croft has been in the aged care business for more than 35 years, and says he’s been sizing up the Western Australian market for some time.
Draft legislation aimed at better protecting payments for subcontractors has excluded previously promised cascading statutory trusts, and instead promises a more “measured approach to implementing payment reform”.
Celsius Property Group has added land development to its portfolio, appointing former Satterley Property Group executive Brenton Downing to lead the expansion.
Retail developer Con Berbatis’ proposal for an $80 million revamp of Kardinya Park shopping centre was approved yesterday, according to the project’s spokesperson.
Property developers and industry groups say the state government’s move to extend the stamp duty rebate is a step in the right direction, but hope further reform will remain on the agenda.
A wave of home-building and renovation work is the goal of a $444 million stimulus package unveiled by the state government as it seeks to pull the state economy out of a coronavirus-induced downturn.
After losing a forecasted $1.2 million over the past 10 weeks, Bodhi J co-founder Danny Taylor couldn’t be happier that the state will enter the third stage of eased coronavirus restrictions tomorrow.
The federal government has launched a new $25,000 HomeBuilder grant, to go towards new builds or renovating an existing home, as the state government prepares to announce its own package in coming days.
Western Australia’s property developers hope the physical isolation that has helped mitigate the worst of COVID-19 in this state will also insulate the local apartment market from a contagion of a different kind.
BGC Australia has reported a net loss of $107 million on revenue of $974 million in the year to June 2019, as the group continues its major restructure.
Adrian Fini-led FJM Property has unveiled plans to redevelop the Leederville Hotel and laneway into a multi-venue food, drink and entertainment precinct that will link with the new headquarters for Dale Alcock's ABN Group.