With transit-oriented, high density development firmly on the state government’s agenda, the Town of Vincent is planning to rezone a large area of land along Newcastle Street to allow mixed-use development of five and six storeys in height.
Property developers in Western Australia may soon be required to pay local governments an amount of money towards community infrastructure determined by a set calculation, under a policy to be introduced by the state government.
Employers will have more influence over the content and duration of apprenticeships in their industry, if new legislation introduced by the state government is passed.
The state government has introduced a new long-term rental model for the inner-city area, which aims to increase the supply of affordable rental accommodation in Perth.
Despite an ongoing shortage of car bays in the Perth CBD, national parking operator Wilson Parking is reducing its footprint in the city, having failed to secure approvals from the City of Perth.
Nearly four months have passed since the state government revealed Kitchener Park to be its chosen site for a 60,000 seat multi-purpose sports stadium.
WA property developers may soon be required to pay local governments a set amount of money towards community infrastructure, under a policy to be introduced by the state government.
LAND sales in Perth remained fairly steady in the March quarter, sliding just 1.7 per cent from the previous quarter, according to data from the Urban Development Institute of Australia released this week.
IT may sound incongruous, but a major shortage of sand in coastal towns of the South West region has the potential to curb residential development and force the cost of building even higher.
ADELAIDE House, built in the 1880s, is about to join a growing list of new office towers in the eastern end of the city, with a $30 million development application for the site currently lodged with the City of Perth.
Land sales in Perth remained fairly steady in the March quarter, sliding just 1.7 per cent from the previous quarter, according to data from the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) (WA).
It was meant to be a stopgap solution for companies facing staff shortages, but industry groups say the 457 business visa has been beset with problems from the outset.
Once predominantly known for its market gardens and hobby farms, Baldivis has been succumbing to Perth’s urban sprawl for several years as land shortages and rising property prices force development out to the city’s fringe.
With office vacancy rates in Perth CBD and West Perth sitting near zero, suburban office space is in high demand from city tenants looking to relocate.
As declining government funding to universities has forced the sector to adapt, the University of Western Australia is laying the groundwork for a $100 million fundraising campaign.
A new processing centre for 457 business visas will be established in Perth, and employers with good performance records will have their visa applications fast-tracked, under changes to the temporary skilled migration program.
By most people’s reckoning, a multi-million dollar bill for construction costs would be more appropriate for a commercial building than a single house.
The controversial $200 million facelift planned for Fremantle’s Victoria Quay by property developer ING Real Estate has come up against further opposition, with the City of Fremantle seeking to intervene in a review of the plan by the State Administrative
A mid-year fall in the number of new dwellings bought by first homebuyers was one of the first signs of a softening in Western Australia’s housing market in 2007.
Interest rates, labour shortages, material costs and compliance issues are affecting WA's housing industry, yet it's the issue of housing affordability that is front of mind for builders, as Emily Piesse reports.
Perth’s burgeoning office market may be encouraging developers to favour commercial stock over residential, but boutique player Match is finding strong demand for its apartments.
Residential builders may soon have an increased responsibility for the health and safety of their civil contractors, according to two new sets of regulations set to be adopted by the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection.
The state government’s development of the Perth foreshore has hit its first major stumbling block, with the City of Perth’s planning committee overruling its administration to reject key elements of the foreshore plan.
More than two years after the site was bought by a private developer, debate over the future of the old Swanbourne Hospital grounds in Mt Claremont is continuing, with the City of Nedlands likely to reject the $50 million residential development proposed
Building heights, view corridors and the placement of buildings were the key issues raised by the City of Perth’s planning committee in its report to council on the foreshore development.
The state government's plan for the Perth foreshore is expected to receive general support from the City of Perth at tonight's council meeting, despite a report from its planning committee criticising elements of the project.
Rising interest rates and global financial uncertainty are having a tangible impact on Western Australia’s housing industry, with two sets of economic data indicating a downward trend in the local market.