Western Australia’s resources sector is continuing to experience exponential growth, despite the volatile state of the world economy, a new report has shown.
LEAVING a well-remunerated senior management position to take the leap into entrepreneurship was a risk that WA Business News 40under40 award winner Bruce Davis was more than willing to ta
A professional development group for the mining industry wants more companies to give holiday work placements to the growing number of university students in minerals-related courses.
IMTRADE Australia was a supplier of seeds, fertilisers and agricultural chemicals when (now) managing director Ross Rainbird joined his parents-in-law to run the company in 1981.
AFTER a period of post-GFC consolidation, Perth’s top real estate agents are looking to expand their footprint in the local market when positive sentiment returns across the board.
BLACKBURNE Property Group managing director Paul Blackburne has completely restructured his business since he won a WA Business News 40under40 award in 2005.
Travel provided the inspiration for Vanessa Phillipson to start her own hospitality business, and it seems a tapas bar was just what Rockingham was crying out for. Carolyn Herbert reports.
MATTHEW Beagley has been involved in the seafood industry for almost a decade, which is a significant period of time considering the Partridges co-owner is just 24 years old.
Perth’s residential property market remains in the doldrums as sellers start to pull their properties off the market, the median house price continues to decline and an increasing number OF people
THE Department of Health’s chief nurse and midwifery officer, Catherine Stoddart, was named the 2011 Western Australia Business Woman of the Year at the annual Telstra WA Business Women’s awards ea
Jacki Harry and her father, Noel Ogden, are targeting the residential and business communities with the offering at their riverside cafe. Carolyn Herbert reports.
CONSULTING engineer Stephen Inouye’s career took a change of direction in 2006 when he took the opportunity to start Veritas Engineering on the back of new maritime security laws.
IN the two years since Complete Fire Design managing director Richard Welsh won a WA Business News 40under40 award the business has tripled staff numbers, increased profitability by 270 pe
Western Australia is facing a significant skills shortage in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector, driven by an “image problem” for the industry and the increased use of ICT b
MORE than two decades ago, Vector Lifting managing director Les Capelli had a goal to create purpose-built cranes and lifting systems for some of the world’s largest rail, mining and oil and gas pr
Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s buoyant gold sector is flowing through to other parts of the region’s economy, with professional services and trades some of the best performers.
Poor consumer sentiment, steady interest rates and the high Australian dollar have all contributed to stagnating business growth and sapped the confidence of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME
MORE than a decade ago, (then) 23-year-old Marcus Fulker was working as a subcontractor for his uncle’s patio building company in Perth’s southern suburbs.
WESTERN Australia’s iron ore industry is booming, however sectors such as rare earths, specialty metals, uranium and gold have also attracted significant investment from overseas and local players.
ALCOA’S global refining research and development team based at its Kwinana alumina refinery has received its third award in the past year for new technology that reduces the company’s energy use.
Australian Pressure Testing Services founder Paul Newbound says building relationships with clients, diversifying the company’s services and investing in staff training are all factors that have he
A STUDY into Australia’s franchising sector has revealed franchise businesses are outperforming other small businesses around the country and are better geared to withstand turbulent economic condi
IAN and Irene Hughes hadn’t planned on owning their own small business, let alone becoming the largest franchisees in the country of pool and spa care network, PoolWerx.
WARM summer weather and the robust state of the local economy are two of the reasons behind a new front in the fight for Western Australians’ discretionary spend – and it’s all about the ice-cream.
THE largest franchise operator in Western Australia says the resources boom, coupled with the reluctance of banks to lend, has resulted in fewer people venturing into the sector.
Almost a year after Liberal maverick Peter Abetz proposed contentious reforms to WA’s franchising laws, the issue is still causing division in the industry.